TAMPA, Fla., July 27, 2009 — When Regina Small of Lake County, Fla., entered a sweepstakes for online education support, she never expected to win. Upon discovering that she was the recipient of the June 30, 2009 webcast drawing, held by Florida Tech and University Alliance Online for military service members, she was ecstatic. The prize package included everything needed to jumpstart an online education, including a laptop, plus software and accessories. More importantly, the new tools helped pave the way for Small to pursue her dream of earning an MBA in Management through Florida Tech University Online.
Small learned about Florida Tech’s master’s degree online programs through the new 2009 University Alliance catalog, which led to her enrollment and sweepstakes entry.
"I was looking for an accredited university to attend and the catalog’s timing was perfect; the caption 'World-Class Training from America's Leading Universities' really caught my eye and the cover story, 'Rise Above the Recession with Top Job Skills that Make You Irreplaceable,' sparked my immediate phone call to Florida Tech, which was listed as one of the top schools to attend by U.S. News and World Report," said Small.
“We congratulate Regina Small, the winner of our military education sweepstakes, and honor all of the countless men and women who serve our country and desire to pursue education as well,” says Shawn Daugherty, University Alliance senior brand manager for Florida Tech’s online programs. “We truly appreciate Regina’s service to our great nation and commend her continuing-education efforts.”
“Some years ago, after proudly serving in the U.S. Army Military Police Corps, I decided to raise my family and am now a clerk at the Lake County Clerk of Circuit Court,” Small says. “Despite having a bachelor’s degree and receiving honors for military and community service, I never want to stop bettering myself and serving others. A master’s degree will position me for career advancement, and open doors to teaching at a local community college or university —another dream I have.”
“My brand-new laptop computer and portable accessories will help me complete my online graduate degree coursework efficiently and download what I need, when I need it, so I can review it at work or while I’m on the go,” Small says. A recipient of the prestigious Dr. Mary E. Walker award for civilian service rendered on and off-post, Small remains busy, and is regularly committed to supporting families and soldiers through various military programs, making the ease of online MBA coursework with Florida Tech a key to her success.
Florida Tech’s online undergraduate degree and online graduate degree programs provide a convenient, flexible education so military servicemembers can study anywhere, anytime. Florida Tech offers military tuition discounts to active-duty servicemembers, Reserves, Guards and Veterans like Small.
To learn more about Florida Tech’s online education programs, visit http://www.FloridaTechOnline.com.
About Florida Tech
Florida Tech, a University Alliance Partner, is world-renowned for its distinguished faculty, comprehensive curriculum and unyielding innovation. Its more than 50,000 alumni include several astronauts, many CEOs of major corporations, Senior Executive Service (SES) members and nearly two dozen generals, including three four-star generals, four three-star generals, nine two-star major generals and three one-star brigadier generals. Florida Tech’s main campus is located in Melbourne, Florida.
About University Alliance Online
The University Alliance (UA) facilitates the promotion and online delivery of associate’s, bachelor’s and master’s degrees as well as professional certificate programs from the nation’s leading traditional universities and institutions. Powered by UA’s technology and support services, our university partners have surpassed 300,000 online enrollments — making UA the largest facilitator of e-learning in the country.